A Two-Part Educational Forum
Dr. Sharon Jacob, Assistant Professor of New Testament at Pacific School of Religion, will offer a two-part educational forum for the Epworth community. Dr. Jacob will provide a brief introduction to Whiteness in the Global Context that will connect the ways in which Supremacist readings affects how readers (both past and present) read and interpret New Testament texts.
Date and Time
Sunday, August 16 & Sunday, August 23, 2020
11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Please register for zoom meeting link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcuihqTIsEtYVJLIKzuKk-eep5YHLrTAw
Sharon Jacob is an Assistant Professor of New Testament at Pacific School of Religion. Sharon earned her Master of Divinity from Lancaster Theological Seminary and Masters of Sacred Theology from Yale University. She earned her Ph.D from Drew University. Her research interests include gender and sexuality studies, feminist theory, race and whiteness theory, and postcolonial theory. Her publications include a monograph entitled, Reading Mary alongside Indian Surrogate Mothers: Violent Love, Oppressive Liberation, and Infancy Narratives. She has also co-authored an essay entitled, “Flowing from breast to breast: An Examination of Dis/placed Motherhood in Black and Indian West Nurses,” in Womanist Biblical Interpretations: Expanding the Discourses published by Society of Biblical Literature Press. Her essay entitled “Imagined Nations, Real Women: Politics of Culture and Women’s Bodies. A Postcolonial, Feminist, and Indo-Western Interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:8-15,” in Handbook to Asian American Biblical Hermeneutics was published by T & T Clark earlier this summer. More recently her essay entitled, “Jezebel and Indo-Western Women: Nation, Nationalism, and the Ecologies of Sexual Violence in Revelation 2: 20-25” in Ecological Solidarities: Mobilizing Faith and Justice for an Entangled World (World Christianity) was published by Penn State University Press, 2019). Sharon is also a regular contributor to the Electronic Feminist Studies of Religion where she has written several blogs on various topics.