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We are so glad that you and your family are here and are richer for your presence.  At Epworth we invite children to participate in all aspects of worship and church life.  In addition, we seek to nurture each child’s spiritual life by grounding them in the Christian story through our Godly Play program and building a community of faith and fun for all ages.  We also have a weekly Parent Support Group, which meets each Sunday at 9am, prior to worship.

Throughout the Year at Epworth
At Epworth children can participate in seasonal choirs, volunteer to do a scripture reading during the worship service, light the altar candles as an acolyte, and participate in the brief Children’s Message.

Inter-generational activities include park gatherings, potlucks, the Annual All-Church retreat in Aptos, California, egg dyeing parties, seasonal Breakfast for Kids events, and an arts and crafts festival called Advent Workshop.
Children and families are encouraged to serve the local community through our alliances with the Berkeley High School Parent Resource Center, Dorothy Day House Shelter, and Berkeley Food Network.

Epworth Children’s Camps


Epworth Children's Camp
Every summer Epworth hosts week-long summer camps.  Past camp themes have included : Being Peacemakers, All Creatures Great and Small, Backyard Camping, Makers Workshop and Sewing Workshop.  We make sure that these camps are available to all, regardless of income level.


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