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  • Epworth

Update for Extraordinary Times - 6/16/2020

Last Sunday Epworth’s intrepid confirmands and mentors tested the limits of technology with a virtual campfire, complete with storytelling, skits, and even s’mores! Thanks to everyone who helped pull that together--especially to the Downs family who hand delivered s’mores kits to us all. The virtual event wasn’t quite the same as sitting around on tree stumps with flickering flames illuminating our faces, but the spirit was the same. More evidence that in challenging times, we adapt and intentional community carries on.

In the time of COVID-19, life continues, and it’s more than the pandemic. People continue to experience diagnoses; struggling economically; and the People are in the streets, speaking up, and responding to the pervasive injustice. As the Church we’re called to bear all these things in mind, and to discern where the witness of the church is urgently needed.

Last week, Pastor Kristin shared the Do No Harm team's priorities regarding when and how to safely resume in-person activities.

Our Do Good Team continues to respond to tangible needs that arise through our email address and needs that come to us through other channels, like personal referrals. At the same time, we’re beginning to consider how to move from pure responsiveness toward anticipation of the needs that will arise in the coming months. How can we collaborate with neighbors and partner organizations to build a network of ministry and support? If you’d like to be a part of that conversation, consider joining an upcoming Zoom call with that team. We meet again this Thursday at 3 p.m. (Join Zoom Meeting)

Meanwhile the Stay in Love with God Team, which tends to the spiritual needs of the Epworth community, is now looking at creating spaces to connect and support each other through the Wesleyan small group model. The next meeting is Friday at 10 a.m. (Join Zoom Meeting)

We continue to be the Church, remote but still present, apart but still united. As we drift into a summer of uncertainty, I want to encourage you to stay connected, keep reaching out, get creative--maybe host a campfire night of your own! (There are some lovely videos of campfires on YouTube for your viewing pleasure.)

Keep safe, stay encouraged.


Pastor Brian


Past Updates for Extraordinary times

Our priorities for resuming in-person activities:

April & May Updates:

March Updates:

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