
Apr 13, 2022

Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022

This Lenten season, we have engaged the reality and experience of being unmoored. We’ve talked about what it means to feel dislocated in this time of waning (hopefully) pandemic. We’ve considered what it might mean to be dislocated from God or even for God to be dislocated. Through the next week,

Sunday we’ll begin by remembering Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem with the waving of Palms and the singing of Hosannas, followed by the events known as “Jesus’ passion” which include the institution of the last supper, the garden of gethsemane, his arrest and crucifixion. As Holy Week unfolds, we enter into a time of deep pathos, an unmoored time if there ever was one. I invite you to immerse yourself in the story through the worship and ritual of the week.

On Sunday morning, we’ll gather at Cesar Chavez Park in the Berkeley Marina (click for directions) as dawn breaks (6:15 AM) to experience the miracle of the empty tomb and the joy of the resurrection. Come for this very special service with leading participation by our youth and a message by Carlos Altamirano. After the service, enjoy freshly baked pastries and breads along with hot drinks. Folding chairs will be provided. Please dress warmly. Masks will be optional. Overflow parking location:

Easter celebration in the Epworth sanctuary begins with gathering music at 9:45 AM with the prelude in the sanctuary. You won’t want to miss the haunting and transcendent opening to the service at 10 AM in song, followed by our shouts of joy, “He Is Risen!” and responses, “He is Risen, Indeed!” Family Easter Egg hunt and fellowship time will follow. Please continue to pre-register your attendance to help is in planning and for contact tracing. Indoors, masks must be worn by everyone 2+, regardless of vaccination status. Well-fitting respirator masks, such as an N95 or KN95, are strongly recommended and available upon request. (The only exception is the pastor and liturgist, who must be fully vaccinated and remain at least 12 feet away from congregants.) Review the full list of safety protocols here. The worship livestream will be available beginning at 9:45 AM Facebook Live (no account or login required), YouTube, and our website.

In Christ and in community, we find anchor in the unmoorings of life. May you walk the path of Jesus and know the Risen Christ,

Pastor Kristin