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Epworth Playgroups are back in action!  Please click on the link below to sign-up for our upcoming six-week series of group meetings.

Epworth Playgroups is a great community resource! Toddlers play in a sunny, spacious, stimulating environment while their parent, nanny or grandparent is nearby.  Activity centers include climbing structures, a play kitchen, large rug for trains, planes and automobiles, art and playdough table, and library of children's books with a reading corner. Fresh brewed coffee for adults and healthy snacks for tots.  Bubbles, circle time and songs at the end of each meeting.  Help your child get ready for preschool, and connect with other Bay Area families at Epworth Playgroups.


The program is open to anyone and is not religious in nature.


"This is the best activity my daughter and I have participated in since she was born. The group is so inclusive, warm and fun. We've made great toddler friends and parent/caretaker friends who we hang out with outside the group regularly.
The space is safe and cozy too. Thanks Epworth! We love you!"
                                                          - An Oakland Mom

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