
Mar 3, 2021

You Raise Me Up! An Update for Extraordinary Times - 3/2/21

Beloved Epworth Community,

Five years ago, when Epworth envisioned renovations to bring our building into the 21st century, an elevator was something that was named as critical to our welcome and inclusion of all persons. And so we dug the well and poured the foundation for an elevator shaft in faith that this hope could be brought to fruition.

This week we're launching the You Raise Me Up! campaign, a short focused campaign to finish the elevator project, and to honor the legacy of those who shared faith with us and all those who we, in turn, lift up through faith.

The rhythms and practices we have through faith order our lives and give us a sense of peace and purpose, even in a pandemic. When I think of the gift that faith is, I’m filled with gratitude for the many people in my life who imparted our tradition to me, who shepherded me, who loved me. Who do you think of when you think of faith? My guess is that each of us has many who come to mind and fill our hearts with gratefulness.

Would you make a gift now to honor someone or raise up generations now and to come? You can also make a pledge to be completed in the next two years through the form below.

Some silent gifts and grants from the Freed Foundation have now brought us to the point where we are just $40,000 away from finishing the project. Our goal is to be able to announce on Easter Sunday, April 4th—the day on which we celebrate the rising of Christ—that when we return to the building we will return to a fully accessible building.

Thank you for the many ways that you raise up others through your faith and generosity.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Kristin