
Sep 17, 2020

Wednesday Evening Communion

A weekly opportunity to see each others' faces, and to share in this centering sacrament. In the gift of holy communion, we are reminded that Jesus remains with us through the power of the Holy Spirit in the bread and wine.

Wednesday Evening Communion

7:30 - 8 p.m.

Click here to join: https://bit.ly/WedCommunion

or call (669) 900-9128 and when prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 834 2709 5029

"I was a little curious about how the sacrament of communion would translate to this on-line gathering. But now I look forward to the roughly thirty minute break in what has become my new shelter-in-place routine. We start with a little checking in, brief sharing on a question posed by Pastor Kristin, scripture, a short message, and then the sharing of the bread and cup. 

I was surprised to find it quite intimate and personal in a new and different way. As we each hold up our elements (some are drinking water, some wine, some home-baked bread, some crackers) I feel connected to each of the participants as my eyes scan the screen, taking in our various home settings and the different glasses, mugs, etc. I get a real sense of 'communion'. If you've been thinking about joining the gathering, I recommend it!"  - Sally N.