
Apr 2, 2020

Virtual Labyrinth Walk & Meditation

As we move closer to Palm Sunday and Easter - I hope you can find time to walk outside - maybe not in a labyrinth, but find a route that brings you to a quiet place and make that your "center" for the day. Then maybe circle home another way.


Judy Cayot

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Labyrinth Patterns

If you have access to a printer, you may want to print one or more of these for use whenever is convenient for you.

  1. A step-by-step "how to draw" what is called a classical labyrinth pattern. In case you want to try your hand at drawing or designing one yourself. The act of creating a labyrinth is, in itself, a meditative process.

  2. A classical labyrinth design - ready to be printed and used as a finger labyrinth. You can use your finger, or draw with a pen, pencil, or crayon. Again - a meditation. This pattern reflects labyrinth designs found in Greece and other ancient cultures.

  3. A Chartres labyrinth design - also for printing and using on your own. This design dates from the Middle Ages when it was installed in stone inside the Chartres cathedral in France. Both the indoor and outdoor labyrinths at Grace Cathedral in SF have this design.

Further reading:

In addition to the Lenten Meditation, I offer you these resources:

I hope you find some peace and some refreshment in one or more of these spiritual practices.

blessings, Judy