
Aug 4, 2020

Update for Extraordinary Times - 8/4/2020

Beloved Epworth Community, 

From time to time, our message in response to these Extraordinary Times will be written by some of our lay leaders. This week’s column is from Willa Seldon, Finance committee chair:

"Our Finance Committee recently met and had a robust discussion of Epworth’s finances. Like so many organizations, we are seeing significant declines in revenue because of COVID-19. Our building use revenues are down substantially (down 53% or ~13,000), and giving also is much below budget (down 18% or ~$36,000). We expect to face a significant loss by year-end – as much as $50-80,000. 

Fortunately, we had the opportunity to apply for assistance through the Payroll Protection Program and received a loan of $53,000. Thanks to Annette Cayot for leading our application. The next step in our process is that we will request that this loan be converted to a grant given we have held steady on payroll. The PPP payment will cover our deficit under a best-case scenario. However, trends suggest we may face a significantly greater deficit than our best case. 

We ask you to consider, if you are able, going above what you planned as a contribution to Epworth this year given the extraordinary times. We ask that you first make sure your pledge is current. If you need to check on that, please let Kristin or financial secretary Kim Slaney know. One easy way to ensure this is to put your pledge on autopay either through Epworth’s own giving portal or through your bank. If you need help with this, please reach out to the church office and we will make sure you get the help you need. When we worship in person in the sanctuary, we pass the plate, and every Sunday there are loose bills and change in the plate given anonymously. If you’d like to make a “loose plate” gift, you could try using our new text giving platform. To give using text, send a text to 833-276-7680 with the dollar amount you wish to give and the word Loose, e.g. 20 Loose.  

Many blessings, 


We know that many in our community are experiencing financial hardship. I want to remind you that we have a fund available to help. If you or someone you know has a need, please send an email to covidrelief@epworthberkeley.org with name, contact information and need. All requests will be held in confidence.

Blessings on your week,

Pastor Kristin

6/23/2020 Update

Beloved Epworth Community,

It would be an understatement to say that the coronavirus pandemic has had financial impacts. Epworth’s finance committee has been meeting regularly throughout this time of shelter in place and has formed a subcommittee to regularly review giving, income and expenses. The subcommittee met last week and I want to share with you where we are financially.

In short, we are holding our own. Our income is down primarily in two categories: our building use revenues (down 44% or $8774), and giving (down 14% or $23,700). Though none of us has a crystal ball, projecting using our current and past trajectories, as well as looking at outstanding pledges which we’re still counting on through the end of the year, we expect that we may incur a $50-80,000 deficit for 2020.

The good news is that we have applied for assistance through the Payroll Protection Program and received a loan of $53,000. Thanks to Annette Cayot for leading our application. The next step in our process is that we will apply for this loan to convert to a grant, and we expect to receive that conversion. If we are on the more hopeful side of our projection, the PPP payment will cover our deficit. However, that represents a best case scenario, and already we are seeing that new cases and re-opening plans are not trending toward the best case. I think we will likely be closer to the larger end of our projection.

What you can do: if you have made a pledge for 2020, thank you! Please check to make sure it is current. If you need to check on that, please let me or financial secretary Kim Slaney know. One easy way to insure this is to put your pledge on autopay either through Epworth’s own giving portal or through your bank. If you need help with this, please reach out to me or the church office and we will make sure you get the help you need. When we worship in person in the sanctuary, we pass the plate, and every Sunday there are loose bills and change in the plate given anonymously. If you’d like to make a “loose plate” gift, you could try using our new text giving platform. To give using text, send a text to 833-276-7680 with the dollar amount you wish to give and the word Loose, e.g. 20 Loose.

In the meantime, our financial response team will keep monitoring the situation and will keep you informed. Thank you for your generosity and faithful giving to this wonderful community of faith.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Kristin

Past Updates for Extraordinary times

July Updates: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-re-opening

June Updates: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-6-16-2020

Our priorities for resuming in-person activities:


April & May Updates:


March Updates:
