
Sep 1, 2020

September is the new January - An Update for Extraordinary Times

Beloved Epworth Family,

Did you know that September is the other January? Like the beckoning of January to start afresh with a clean slate and new habits, September offers a similar invitation as academic years begin and summer gives way to fall. One habit I want to invite you into is the practice of weekly communion. In this moment of virtual gathering, I offer a short service of holy communion on Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m. The service is informal and conversational, with a prayer, scripture, mediation or homily by me that invites your participation and reflections, concluding with partaking of the bread and cup. I hope to see you Wednesday night on Zoom.

Unbelievably, we are ending six months of acute response to the pandemic. On March 15 in a live streamed worship from the sanctuary, I announced the crisis response structure of the Do No Harm team, Do Good team, and Stay in Love with God team. These teams have served us well and I want to say a huge thank you to all who have served through these teams. With the exception of the Do No Harm team which will continue to meet and consider building safety and protocols, the work of the other teams will begin to transition back into our existing structures for ministry.

Epworth members and friends serve through many committees, programs and teams. If you have been feeling a call to a particular ministry or service, now is the time to communicate about that! If you’d like to have a conversation about this with me or a member of our lay leadership committee, please let me know. In the meantime, a group of lay persons will also be reaching out as we prepare for ministry in 2021.

May all you do be done in joy,

Pastor Kristin

Past Updates for Extraordinary times

August Updates: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-finances

July Updates: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-re-opening

June Updates: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-6-16-2020

Our priorities for resuming in-person activities:


April & May Updates:


March Updates:
