
Aug 11, 2023

Rev. Dr. Deborah V. Weatherspoon - Lead Pastor

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Email: pastordebbie99@gmail.com

Cell Phone: (510) 588-5055

I became aware of God’s call in my life through participating in campus ministry at The University of Florida in Gainesville. Being raised in The United Methodist Church exposed me to social holiness, so my faith compelled me to engage in justice activism in college. Following in the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth means standing with the marginalized and seeking God’s will. My discipleship continues through serving in community, solidarity, and pastoral ministry. I also serve as a spiritual director, accompanying others as we listen to the Spirit’s activity in their lives. My husband, Dale, our sons, Wesley and Justus, and our dog Zayne are the members of my immediate family. My public engagement involves the effort to end gun violence, movements for racial justice, and pro-choice/women’s rights events. My clergy colleagues of all faith traditions mean a lot to me, and I value a multi-faith community. I am blessed to be in ministry with the Epworth congregation as we seek to work for God’s justice in this world.