
Oct 17, 2021

Prophetic Hope - Message from October 17, 2021

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

Preacher: Rev. Israel I. Alvaran, D.Min

Scripture: Joel 2: 18-32

Message: Prophetic Hope

Listen to podcast | Tithes and Offerings

Order of Worship

The Community Gathers...


Rev. Jerry Asheim


Albert Sammons, Jr.


Michael Martin

Opening Prayer

Carole Klokkevold

Down To Earth God,

thank you for the example of our teacher, Jesus,

who joined people in the ordinary dust of their days,

who got up close to the life lived on their feet,

and who blessed them with water and compassionate presence.

Infuse our lives with sacred-ordinary connection

and when our feet are weary,

still us to receive a blessing from another. Amen.

Opening Music: "Great is the Lord"

Judy Kreige

​To Hear the Word...

Scripture Reading: Joel 2: 18-32

Carole Klokkevold

Children's Message

Susan Jardin

*Affirming the Peace Among Us

You are invited to turn to the people around you and bow to each other as a sign of graceful greetings this day.

Anthem: "Arise, Arise" (by Jean Rohe)

Judy Kriege, Margot Hanson

Atlantic and Pacific flow
The Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico
The land between sustains us all
To cherish it, our tireless call

Arise! Arise!
I see the future in your eyes
To a more perfect union we aspire
And lift our voices from the fire

We reached these shores from many lands
We came with hungry hearts and hands
Some came by force and some by will
At the auction block, or the darkened mill


We died in your fields and your factories
Strange fruit hangin’ from the poplar trees
With an old coat hanger in a room somewhere
A trail of tears, an electric chair


Our great responsibility
To be guardians of our liberty
‘Till tyrants bow to the people’s dream
And justice flows like a mighty stream


Message: "Prophetic Hope"

Rev. Israel I. Alvaran, D.Min

​To Respond and Renew Commitment...

*Musical Mediation: "Hope of the World" - UM Hymnal #178 (v. 1-3, 5)

Rev. Jerry Asheim & Cathryn Bruno; Congregation is invited to sing along.

Prayers of the People - Michael Martin

As prayer cards are read aloud, our response is:

Leader: Loving God,
People: We lift our prayers to you.

The Prayer Jesus Taught (The Lord's Prayer )

Our Creator (Father/Mother), who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom (kin-dom) come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom (kin-dom), and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Offering Our Resources and our Energy

Give online at www.epworthberkeley.org/donate or, send a text message with the dollar amount you wish to give to +1-833-276-7680.

Offertory: "O God, Our Help in Ages Past" - UM Hymnal #117

Rev. Jerry Asheim & Albert Sammons, Jr.

Prayer of Dedication

Holy Way-Maker,

when despair and overwhelm knock at the door of our souls,
awaken our hearts to tenderness,
enliven our minds with creativity,
and meet our bodies with rest,
that we might be fortified
to co-labor with you to bring about your kin-dom.
We dedicate these offerings
to the invigorating of our spirits
and to the work of your kin-dom. Amen.

​To Go Forth with Love and Compassion

*Closing Hymn: “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” - UM Hymnal # 133

Rev. Jerry Asheim & Charles Lynch. Congregation is invited to sing along.

Sending Forth

Rev. Israel I. Alvaran, D.Min


Rev. Jerry Asheim

***Special Thanks To:

Preacher: Rev. Kristin Stoneking
Worship Leaders: Rev. Jerry Asheim, Cathryn Bruno, Margot Hanson, Susan Jardin, Carole Klokkevold, Judy Kriege, Charles Lynch, Michael Martin, Albert Sammons, Jr.

Ushers: Shan McSpadden
Audio engineer: Paul Nasman
Podcast producer: Ethan Toven-Lindsey
Livestream producer: Daniel Katari

Credits: Liturgy by enfleshed. Hymns reprinted/streamed with permission under ONE LICENSE # A-733809, CCLI Copyright license # 20022935, & CCLI Streaming license # 20476749. All rights reserved.