
Jul 9, 2020

Online Worship - July 12, 2020

10 a.m. Worship - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Preacher: Rev. Kristin Stoneking

Scripture: Luke 23:44-46, 50-56

Message: "End the War on Black People: Say Her Name"

Live Broadcast:

Order of Worship:

The Community Gathers

Prelude: Blessed Assurance - Rev. Jerry Asheim

Welcome & Announcements - Rev. Kristin Stoneking

Opening Hymn: "Bring Many Names" The Faith We Sing #2047 - Rev. Jerry Asheim & Caroline Lee

Invocation - Charles Lynch

To Hear the Word

Scripture Reading: Luke 23:44-46, 50-56 - Tenesha Jerrels

Children’s Time - Rev. Kristin Stoneking

Anthem: "When it was Yet Dark" - Michele Arreola-Burl, Cathryn Bruno, Sally Nasman

Message: "End the War on Black People: Say Her Name" - Rev. Kristin Stoneking

To Respond and Renew Commitment

Hymn of Response: "As a Fire is Meant for Burning" The Faith We Sing #2237 - Rev. Jerry Asheim & Cathryn Bruno

Prayers of the People - Sarah Bruno

Special Music: Prayers in his native language - Justine Esomonu

The Prayer Jesus Taught (The Lord's Prayer) - Chelsea Eckenrode

Offering Our Tithes and Gifts - Willa Seldon

Offertory Music: "Give Me Jesus" arr. Hogan - Charles Lynch

To Disperse in Love and Compassion

Prayer of Dedication - Willa Seldon

Closing Hymn: "Thank You God for Past and Present" Hope Publishing - Chris Poston

Benediction - Rev. Kristin Stoneking

Postlude: "Lift High the Cross" - Rev. Jerry Asheim

Virtual Coffee Hour

Immediately following online worship, join us for Virtual Coffee Hour here: https://bit.ly/CH7-11

Or to join by phone, please call 312 626 6799

and enter the Meeting ID: 932 3118 0106

Special thanks to: 

Preacher: Rev. Kristin Stoneking

Contributors: Rev. Jerry Asheim, Michele Arreola-Burl, Cathryn Bruno, Sarah Bruno, Chelsea Eckenrode, Justine Esomonu, Tenesha Jerrels, Caroline Lee, Charles Lynch, Sally Nasman, Chris Poston, Willa Seldon

Video producers: Tai Jokela, Anjuli Arreola-Burl

Podcast producer: Ethan Lindsey

Livestream producer: Merrie Bunt

And all who participate by watching from home!

Tithes and Offerings: www.epworthberkeley.org/donate

Or mail your check to Epworth United Methodist Church

1953 Hopkins St., Berkeley, CA 94707