
Nov 26, 2020

"On Communities of Belonging, Affection, and Incendiary Change" Message from November 22, 2020

Preachers: Yohana Junker, Ph.D.

Message: "On Communities of Belonging, Affection, and Incendiary Change"

Scripture: Philippians 4: 1-9

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Order of Service (Bulletin) - November 22, 2020

Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost; Reign of Christ Sunday

The Community Gathers
Prelude - Anjuli Arreola-Burl
Welcome & Announcements - Becky Wheat
Opening Hymn: "My Lord What a Morning" - Rev. Jerry Asheim & Albert Sammons, Jr.
Invocation - Judy Cayot

To Hear the Word
Scripture Reading: Philippians 4: 1-9 - Eda Naranjo

Sacred Reading: "Speaking in Tongues" by Gloria Anzaldúa - Orion Lacey
Children’s Time - Susan Jardin & Elsa
Anthem: from "Woodstock - In the Garden" - Judy Kriege
Message: "On Communities of Belonging, Affection, and Incendiary Change" - Yohana Junker, Ph.D.

To Respond and Renew Commitment
Hymn of Response: "Guide My Feet" - Rev. Jerry Asheim & Michael Martin
Prayers of the People - Ruby
Special Music: "God We Thank You for Our People" - Jim & Jeanne Strathdee
The Prayer Jesus Taught (The Lord's Prayer) - Rafael Ferreira
Offering Our Tithes and Gifts - Sarah Bruno
Offertory Music: “What a Wonderful World” Anjuli Arreola-Burl

To Disperse in Love and Compassion
Prayer of Dedication - Janene Kuan
Closing Hymn: "Halle Halle Hallelujah" - Rev. Jerry Asheim & Anjuli Arreola-Burl
Benediction - Becky Wheat
Postlude - Rev. Jerry Asheim

​​Special thanks to:

Video producer: Tai Jokela

Podcast producer: Ethan Lindsey

Livestream producer: Merrie Bunt