
Apr 11, 2020

Easter Worship Online


We are in the midst of what is known as the Triduum, the period of the three holiest days of the Christian year. The Triduum begins on the evening of Maundy Thursday and ends on the evening of Easter Sunday. On Thursday night, we marked the beginning of the Triduum with a Maundy Thursday service of online communion. United Methodists believe that holy communion is a means of grace, it makes God manifest. I can tell you how very much I felt this to be true as we closed the service Thursday night. God was truly among us.

Good Friday was like none other. I loved worshipping with our Bishop and also walking the steps of the stations of the cross with Pope Francis. On Good Friday, I am usually busy with other things and leading our own stations of the cross walk. What a blessing to be able to be led, to be with the spirit of our crucified Jesus, and to worship with the worldwide communion of Christians. I recommend both of these services to you, still available through the links here:

Holy Saturday is a quiet day in the Triduum. It is the moment between death and life. I hope you’ll have time for quiet reflection today.

Finally, we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday! Please join these two opportunities to proclaim, “Christ is Risen!”

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service - April 12 at 6:15 a.m.

This service features Bishop Carcaño celebrating the risen Lord as the sun comes up. Grab your cup of coffee or warm beverage and greet the day with the gathered community online through this link: https://www.cnumc.org/

We’ll be back at Cesar Chavez park next year!

Easter Sunday Celebration - April 12 at 10:00 a.m.

We'll celebrate the power of resurrection even while physically apart with an online celebration. Come and join with our pastors, liturgists and musicians as we proclaim together, “Christ is Risen!” Join us on our Facebook Page. (No login Required!) Download the worship guide here.

Special Easter Offering

This year, our special Easter offering will provide financial support to needs that arise due to the current COVID-19 crisis. Ways to give:

  1. Donate Online: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/donate

  2. Mail your check: Epworth United Methodist Church 1953 Hopkins St. Berkeley, CA 94707 memo: Easter Offering

  3. Text-to-Give: Simply text 833-276-7680 with the dollar amount you wish to give and the word Easter, e.g. 25 Easter.

If you or someone you know is in need of assistance in these challenging days, please let me know at Kristin.epworth@gmail.com.

In the days and weeks to come, may you feel the presence of the risen Christ with you. May you know God’s love. And may you experience the connection between you and every Christian across the globe. Together, in the resurrection, we are the body of Christ. May we continue to make him manifest.

Easter blessings,

Pastor Kristin