
Aug 11, 2020

Epworth Extraordinary Times - Survey

Beloved Epworth Community, 

Five months ago as shelter in place started, we created three response teams:

  • Do No Harm to handle our security and safety protocols primarily as it relates to the building

  • Do Good to serve the new needs that arose

  • Stay in Love with God to support spiritual needs and keep our congregation connected

These teams have served us very well and I want to thank each person who rose to the occasion and joined a team to serve.

The Do No Harm team will continue to respond to the changing information and possibilities for our building and ministries. But as we enter a sixth month of this reality, it seems it may be time for the ministry of the other two response teams to be folded into our existing committees.

As we come to this transition point, the Stay in Love with God team has taken the lead on a survey to assess how the Epworth community is connecting, where there might be needs still to meet, what could be improved on and what is going well. The survey, which should take roughly 10 minutes to complete, is below. Please take some time to offer your feedback; your thoughts, appreciations, needs and ideas are greatly appreciated. The survey will remain open until Sunday, August 23. I'll look forward to reporting back to you what we learn shortly after that.

In the meantime, please know that I am praying for you. This is a deeply challenging time on many levels. For myself, I find that some days I am full of productivity and hopefulness, and other days I have to just focus on doing the next thing on my list. I hear this is called the "coronacoaster." When will this ride end?! We don't know exactly. What we do know is that with God's help, and the love and care of one another, we will get through this. We will not be unchanged, but God is always using all that we are and that we do to bring us more fully into God's vision for all of creation. May you be well and at peace.

With love,

Pastor Kristin

Past Updates for Extraordinary times

August 4th update: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-finances

July Updates: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-re-opening

June Updates: https://www.epworthberkeley.org/post/update-for-extraordinary-times-6-16-2020

Our priorities for resuming in-person activities:


April & May Updates:


March Updates:
