
Nov 26, 2019

Advent & Christmas - Invitation

Pastoral Invitation

So often the holidays can feel like a mad dash toward the New Year. With so much to do, it’s easy to forget to just be. We risk getting distracted and missing out on the gift of the journey through the holy darkness of the season. Drawing from the hymn, “People, Look East,” this year’s Advent theme is “On the Way.” The hymn proclaims that love–as it manifests as the guest, the star, the rose, and the Lord–is on the way.

It is a season of journeying. The Christmas story itself tells of visiting angels and holy searching; and recalls how the Holy Family sought safety in Egypt, the Christ child: a refugee. Part of the Good News of Advent is that, in this night season, we do not journey alone. We don’t wander aimlessly, but are guided toward that perfect light.

This Advent and Christmas season, we invite you to journey with us as a community of faith. We will host our traditional “Advent Workshop” and offer small group studies throughout the season. Special events, like labyrinth walks, and a “Blue Christmas” service offer space for quiet contemplation. There are lots of ways to slow down and connect and serve in community. In the end we arrive at the birth of new hope: Jesus the Light.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Kristin & Pastor Brian